N o t e
Access Control Concepts
ProCurve NAC 800
ProCurve NAC 800
You should now have a solid grounding in access control concepts, both those relating to authentication and those relating to endpoint integrity. Let’s turn to ProCurve’s network access controller, the NAC
■Endpoint integrity alone
■RADIUS authentication alone
■Endpoint integrity and RADIUS authentication integrated together
Depending on the services that you require, you can choose one of three deployment methods for your NAC 800; these deployment methods corre- spond to the three standard quarantine methods described in “Quarantine Methods” on page
The following sections describe the variety of services provided by the NAC 800; they also walk you,
A particular NAC 800 provides different services based on its server type. You will learn more about selecting the appropriate server types later. For now, these brief descriptions will help you follow the discussion below:
NAC 800 as an Endpoint Integrity Only Solution
The NAC 800 can make policy decisions based on endpoint integrity alone. It tests endpoints for compliance with security policies called NAC policies and decides whether to grant the endpoints network access or quarantine them.