Appendix A: Glossary
authorization A device that makes authorization decisions that are enforced by other infra- server structure devices.
back door A disguised or hidden entry point in a software program or system that allows
biometrics The use of the unique attributes of a human body that can be used to absolutely differentiate one person from another, for example, fingerprints, voice prints, retinal patterns.
Bluetooth An industrial standard for wireless personal area networks. Bluetooth is designed to operate at short distances, for example, between a cellular tele- phone and a wireless headset.
BSD Berkeley Software Distribution. A version of UNIX that was distributed in the 1970s from the University of California, Berkeley.
CA Certificate Authority. A trusted third party that verifies the identity of parties that want to communicate with one another. CAs are responsible for generat- ing, distributing, and revoking digital authentication certificates, which uniquely identify the owner of the certificate and the owner’s data. See also certificate.
CBC Cipher Block Chaining. A block cipher mode of operation wherein the previous encrypted block is used to transform the next block prior to its encryption. For more information, see NIST Special Publication
CCMP Counter Mode with CBC Message Authentication Mode Protocol. An 802.11i encryption protocol that uses AES. For more information, see the IEEE