Access Control Concepts
Network Access Control Technologies
Endpoint Integrity Posture
As a network access controller tests an endpoint, it assigns it a posture, depending on the results of the test:
The network access controller uses the posture to determine the action it takes (based on your particular configuration).
Quarantine Methods
Testing the endpoint determines whether or not it complies with your policies, but ascertaining compliance is only half the solution. The other half is taking action against
While quarantined, endpoints have either no access to network resources or limited access. Resources made available to quarantined endpoints are often called remediation services because they help the endpoint become compli- ant. For example, quarantined endpoints might be allowed to contact a Web site for downloading patches.
Network access controllers quarantine endpoints in several different
802.1X. As you should recall from earlier in this chapter, 802.1X is a standard method for enforcing access control in Ethernet and wireless networks. It provides a framework for hinging the status of the endpoint’s access port (open or closed) to the