Appendix A: Glossary
STP Spanning Tree Protocol. A protocol that eliminates network loops by de- activating redundant connections. It is currently being revised into RSTP, which is a faster version of STP. For more information, see IEEE 802.1D at
supplicant The component of 802.1X that requests access to a network. It communicates with the RADIUS server to submit an
symmetric A type of algorithm wherein the same key is used both to encrypt and decrypt.
TACACS+ Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus. An authentication protocol that uses TCP. (RADIUS uses UDP.)
Telnet TELephone NETwork. A TCP/IP protocol that provides a fairly general, bi- directional,
temporary access The time during which an endpoint is allowed access to the network, overriding period the endpoint’s quarantine status. The network administrator configures the
length of this period.
testing methods Methods that the NAC 800 uses to perform tests. The NAC 800 supports three testing methods: NAC agent test method, ActiveX test method, and agentless test method.
TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol. A