
Solving Problems with Plot Position or Content

Solving Problems with Plot Position or Content

If you don't find the solution to the problem here, other sources of help are:

The documentation supplied with the driver that you are using to manage the output from your software application to the plotter. For example, the online and printed documentation included in the following two drivers supplied with your plotter:

±HP plotter drivers for AutoCAD

±HP plotter driver for Microsoft Windows applications

The documentation supplied with your application software, for example the AutoCAD Reference Manual.

If the Plot Is Completely Blank

Check the print cartridge(s) to be sure you have removed the protective nozzle tape from all of them. Do not forget that, after you remove or reseat a cartridge, the plotter will run its automatic cartridge alignment procedure ± see page 3-27.

Cartridge(s) may be out of ink. For an explanation of how to check if a cartridge is out of ink, see page 3-26.
