6.3.3.Buffer Mode
The Buffer Mode allows collection of data from various devices without the requirement that all devices use the same communication parameters (e.g., baud rate, parity, etc.).
•Buffer Mode Ports cannot access command mode.
•Buffer Mode is not available at Ports 1 or 2 (the SetUp Ports) or the Internal Modem Port (Port 7.) Reading Data from Buffer Mode Ports
To check port buffers for stored data, access command mode via the Text Interface, using a password and port that permit Supervisor commands, and type /S [Enter] to display the Status Screen. The "Buffer Count" column indicates the amount of data currently being stored for each port.
To retrieve data from buffer memory, go to a free
/C n [Enter].
Where n is the number of the port buffer to be read.
Note: In order to read data from a given port, your password must allow access to that port.
If the buffer contains data, the
•Next Screen: To send data one screen at a time, press the Space Bar. Each time the space bar is pressed, the next screen is sent.
•Scroll All: To send all data currently stored in the buffer, type 1 and press [Enter].
•Skip/Connect: To skip sending the buffered data, yet remain connected to the port, type 2 and press [Enter].
•Erase/Connect: To erase all data currently stored in the buffer, yet remain connected to the port, type 3 and press [Enter].
•Exit: To exit from Read Buffer mode, press [Esc].
Note: Only one user can read from a port buffer at a time. If a second user attempts to read from a port that is already being read, an error message will be sent.