Figure 10-7 Using the GUI to get the contents of a FlashCopy task
It makes more sense, however, to use the ESS CLI show task command to list the contents of the tasks, as depicted in Example
mitchell@aixserv:/opt/ibm/ESScli > esscli show task
Wed Nov 24 10:37:17 EST 2004 IBM ESSCLI 2.4.0 Taskname=Flash10041005 Tasktype=FCEstablish Options=NoBackgroundCopy SourceServer=2105.23953 TargetServer=2105.23953
1004 | 1005 |
10.10.3 Converting the saved task to a DS CLI command
Having collected the contents of a saved task, it can now be converted into a DS CLI task. Using the data from Example
Chapter 10. DS CLI 211