6.1 Introduction to Copy Services
Copy Services is a collection of functions that provides disaster recovery, data migration, and data duplication functions. With the copy services functions, for example, you can create backup data with little or no disruption to your application, and you can back up your application data to a remote site for disaster recovery.
Copy Services run on the DS6000 server enclosure and support open systems and zSeries environments. These functions are supported also on the previous generation of storage systems called the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server (ESS).
Many design characteristics of the DS6000 and data copying and mirroring capabilities of the Copy Services features contribute to the protection of your data, 24 hours a day and seven days a week. The licensed features included in Copy Services are the following:
FlashCopy, which is a
Remote Mirror and Copy functions, previously known as
–IBM TotalStorage Metro Mirror, previously known as Synchronous PPRC
–IBM TotalStorage Global Copy, previously known as PPRC Extended Distance
–IBM TotalStorage Global Mirror, previously known as Asynchronous PPRC
We explain these functions in detail in the next section.
You can manage the Copy Services functions through a
We explain these interfaces in 6.3, “Interfaces for Copy Services” on page 108.
6.2 Copy Services functions
We describe each function and the architecture of the Copy Services in this section.
6.2.1 Point-in-Time Copy (FlashCopy)
Note: In this section, track means a piece of data in the DS6000; the DS6000 uses the logical tracks to manage the Copy Services functions.
See Figure
90DS6000 Series: Concepts and Architecture