For more information on running AIX in an i5 partition, refer to the i5 Information Center at:
http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v1r2s/en_US/index.htm?info/iphat /iphatlparkickoff.htm
Note: AIX will not run in a partition on earlier 8xx and prior iSeries systems.
Linux on IBM iSeries
Since OS/400 V5R1, it has been possible to run Linux in an iSeries partition. On iSeries models 270 and 8xx, the primary partition must run OS/400 V5R1 or higher and Linux is run in a secondary partition. For later i5 systems (models i520, i550, i570 and i595), Linux can run in any partition.
On both hardware platforms, the supported versions of Linux are:
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for POWER™
(New 2.6 Kernel based distribution also supports earlier iSeries servers)
RedHat Enterprise Linux AS for POWER Version 3
(Existing 2.4 Kernel based update 3 distribution also supports earlier iSeries servers)
The DS6000 requires the following iSeries I/O adapters to attach directly to an iSeries or i5 Linux partition.
0612 Linux Direct Attach PCI
0626 Linux Direct Attach
It is also possible for the Linux partition to have its storage virtualized, whereby a partition running OS/400 hosts the Linux partition's storage requirements. In this case, if using the DS6000, they would be attached to the OS/400 partition using either of the following I/O adapters:
2766 2 Gigabit Fibre Channel Disk Controller PCI
2787 2 Gigabit Fibre Channel Disk Controller
More information on running Linux in an iSeries partition can be found in the iSeries Information Center at:
More information on running Linux in an i5 partition can be found in the i5 Information Center at:
362DS6000 Series: Concepts and Architecture