Having added the userid called csadmin, the password has been saved in an encrypted file called security.dat. By default, the file is placed in:
c:\Documents and settings\<Windows user name>\DSCLI\security.dat
You can however use the
Setting up a profile
Having created a userid, you will need to edit the profile used by the DS CLI to store the
is located at C:\Program Files\IBM\dscli\profile\dscli.profile or /opt/ibm/dscli/dscli.profile. An example of a secure profile is shown in Example
Example 10-15 Example of a dscli.profile file
#DS CLI Profile
#Management Console/Node IP Address(es) are specified using the hmc parameter
#hmc1 and hmc2 are equivalent to
#hmc1 is cluster 1 of 2105 800 23953
#Username must be specified if a password file is used username: csadmin
#Password filename is the name of an encrypted password file
#This file is located at C:\Program Files\IBM\dscli
pwfile: security.dat
#Default target Storage Image ID
#If the
#"devid" is equivalent to
#the default server that DS CLI commands will be run on is 2105 800 23953
If you don’t want to create an encrypted password file, or do not have access to a simulator or real DS MC, then you can specify the password in plain text. This is done either at the command line or in a script or in the profile. This is not recommended since the password itself is now not as secure. An example of a profile that contains plain text authentication details is shown in Example
#DS CLI Profile
#hmc1 is cluster 1 of 2105 800 23953 hmc1:
#The username to log onto the ESS username: csadmin
#The password for csadmin: password: passw0rd
214DS6000 Series: Concepts and Architecture