echo A DS CLI application error occurred. goto end
echo An authentication error occurred. Check the userid and password. goto end
echo A DS CLI Server error occurred. goto end
echo A connection error occurred. Try pinging echo If this fails call network support on
echo A syntax error. Check the syntax of the command using online help. goto end
echo No errors were encountered. :end
Using this sample script, Example
Example 10-10 Return code examples
C:\Program Files\IBM\dscli> checkflash.bat
CMUN00018E lsflash: Unable to connect to the management console server exit status of dscli = 3
A connection error occurred. Try pinging If this fails call network support on
C:\Program Files\IBM\dscli>
10.8 Usage examples
It is not the intent of this section to list every DS CLI command and its syntax. If you need to see a list of all the available commands, or require assistance using DS CLI commands, you are better served by reading the IBM TotalStorage DS8000
Example 10-11 Example of a configuration script
#The following command creates a CKD extent pool (CKD extent pool P0 will be created) mkextpool
#The following command creates an array (array A0 will be created)
#The following command creates a rank (CKD rank R0 will be created) mkrank
Chapter 10. DS CLI 207