Chapter 3 — Configuring Label Transmit Settings
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Setting a Single-Character Prefix or Suffix
The scanner does not transmit a prefix or suffix character if its hex value is set to zero.
To set a prefix or suffix that has only one character
1Using the ASCII chart on page 158, identify the ASCII character and the corresponding hex code for the single- character prefix or suffix.
For example, suppose you want to use the Space (SP) character. The ASCII charts shows that SP equals 20 hex.
2Scan the SET bar code on page 53.
3Scan the Set Prefix or Set Suffix bar code.
4Using the list of bar codes that starts on page 154, scan the two digits corresponding to the hex value you chose in Step 1.
5Scan the 0 digit twice to disable the transmission of a second character.
6For this example, you would scan 2, 0, 0, and 0.
Note: Successful programming requires four digits for the label ID.
Note: If you make a mistake or lose your place while setting this option, scan the END bar code to exit Programming mode. The scanner sounds a
7Scan the END bar code.
52 | SR60 Scanner Programmer’s Reference Manual |