Installing 49 CFR regulations and TSI Hazmat Training
You have the option of installing a free hazmat training program from the Transportation Safety Institute (TSI). The Q&A format links to the relevant text of 49 CFR so you can immediately check your answers against the regulations.
To install this program, return to the QuickStart menu and click Install Regulations and HAZMAT Training. Use the same serial number you used to install MASTERFORM.
When the installation is complete, open the training program by clicking Start > Programs > Masterform Regulations > TSI Hazmat Training.
Figure 2: The TSI Hazmat Training program links directly to the text of 49 CFR so you can check your answers.
Structure of MASTERFORM
Step 1. Enter Setup Information
Step 2. Complete a Shipping Paper Screen 1: Shipment Template Screen 2: Shipper Information Screen 3: Shipment Information Screen 4: Proper Shipping Name Screen 5: The Chemical Table Screen 6: Ground or Air Shipment Screen 7: Print Preview
Screen 8: Print/Save Shipment Template
Step 3. Print the Shipping Paper
Step 4. Print the Shipper’s Certification
Domestic or International?
The program previously known as MASTERFORM for UPS is now called MASTERFORM for UPS Domestic Edition. The name change is to distinguish this program from the International Edition that fills out the Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods form for international air shipments. Call Labelmaster for more info.
What’s my name & password?
When you first attempt to use MASTERFORM after installing, you will be asked for a name and password. The default name and password is “ADMIN.”Type ADMIN in both the name and password fields, then click Next to continue.
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