You are not required to save a template, however. It is an option available if you would like to save your information for reuse later.

What is a template?

A template is a set of information needed to complete one form. It is an electronic version of a shipping paper that you can reenter, edit, and reprint at any time.

When should I use templates?

Use templates for shipment information that you use often. You can save time and effort by keeping this information in a ready-to-use format. For example, if you ship the same material repeatedly, you can make a template with that material, and then simply flip through the screens making minor changes (such as quantities or consignee names) and reprinting. This way, you don’t have to retype the information that never or rarely changes.

What should I name my template?

Name your template whatever will conveniently identify it for you. For example, if you ship Acetone in different quantities to many different locations, you might save templates based on the most common quantities you ship and name them Acetone - 12 gal, Acetone - .5 fl oz, Acetone -

3.5L, etc...

Or, if you ship different materials to just one or two locations, you could name your templates after the locations.

There is always room for more detailed information in the Description field located directly below the

Name field in the Print and Save Shipment Template screen.

How do I reenter a saved template?

Reenter a saved template by selecting the template name from the drop-down list in the Shipment Template screen and clicking Next.

The first screen, titled Shipment Template, is where you begin a new form. It is also where you can select a previously saved template for modification now. (If you are beginning a brand new shipment, click Next while the Template Name field is blank or reads <None>.)

To enter a previously saved template, click the down arrow at the right end of the Template Name field. All saved templates will appear in the drop-down list underneath <None>. Select the one you want by clicking on it so that it appears in the Template Name field. Then simply click Next to enter the first screen and begin making your modifications.

The Finish button at the end of the wizard completes your template and logs it in the shipment history. Every form you complete with the Finish button will be logged.

How do I delete a template?

Delete templates with the Delete Template button found on the Shipment Template screen. Select the template from the drop-down list in the Shipment Template screen so that its title appears in the Template Name field. Then simply click the Delete Template button. Deleting templates will not affect your collection of shipper’s certification end-of-day logs.



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Lexmark Version 3.0 manual What is a template?, When should I use templates?, What should I name my template?