Special Register List (Continued)
Number | Name | Meaning | Explanation | Set by | Corresponding | Corresponding | ||
(When | ACPU | CPU | ||||||
| set) | D9 | |
| ||
| (Continued) |
| ||
SD5 |
| 3 Time (value set) |
| |||
| Number | Meaning |
| |
| SD5 | Time : 1 ∝s units (0 to 999 ∝s) |
| SD6 | Time : 1 ms units (0 to 65535 ms) |
| ||||
| SD7 |
SD6 |
| SD8 |
| SD9 |
| |
| SD10 | (Vacant) |
| |
| SD11 |
| ||
| SD12 |
| ||
| SD13 |
SD7 |
| SD14 |
| SD15 |
4Program error location
| Number |
| Meaning |
| ||||||||
| SD5 |
| S (Error) | New | +Rem | |
SD8 |
| SD6 |
| File name | ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
| SD7 |
| (ASCII code: 8 characters) |
| |||||||||||||
| SD8 |
| |
| SD9 |
| Extension |
| H |
| ||||||
| 2E (.) |
| |||||
| SD10 |
| (ASCII code: 3 characters) |
| |||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||
| SD11 |
| Pattern | 4 |
| |||||
SD9 |
| SD12 |
| Block No. |
| |||||||
| SD13 |
| Step No./transition No. |
| ||||||||||
| SD14 |
| Sequence step No. (L) |
| |||||||||
| SD15 |
| Sequence step No. (H) |
| |||||||||||
| 4 Contents of pattern data |
| |||||||||||||
| Error |
| 15 14 | to | 4 | 3 2 1 0 |
| (Bit number) |
| ||||||||
| ||||||||||||||
SD10 | Error common | 0 | 0 | to | 0 | 0 |
| ||
| common |
| SFC block designation present |
| ||||
| information |
| (Not used) |
| |||||||
| information |
| (1)/absent (0) |
| |||||||
| SFC step designation present |
| ||||
| (1)/absent (0) |
SFC transition designation present (1)/absent (0)
5Switch cause
| Number |
| Meaning |
| |||||
| SD5 | Switch cause (0: automatic switch/ 1: manual switch) |
| ||||||||||
SD12 |
| SD6 | Switch direction (0:standby system to control |
| |||||||||||
| system/ 1: control system to standby system) |
| ||||||||||
| SD7 |
| Tracking flag 5 |
| |||||
| SD8 |
| |
| |||
| SD9 |
| |
| SD10 |
| |
SD13 |
| SD11 |
| (Vacant) |
| |||||
| SD12 |
| |||||||
| ||
| SD13 |
| S (Error) | New | Q4AR | |
| SD14 |
| ||||
| SD15 |
| |
| 5 | Tracking flag contents |
| ||||||||||||
SD14 |
| Shows whether or not the tracking data is valid. |
| |||||||||||
| 15 14 | to | 4 | 3 2 1 0 |
| (Bit number) |
| ||||||||
| |||||||||||||
| 0 | 0 | to | 0 | 0 |
| Invalid work data |
| |||
| (Not used) |
| |||||
| invalid (0) /valid (1) |
| |||||
| System data |
| ||
SD15 |
| (SFC active step information) |
| ||
| invalid (0)/ valid (1) |
| |||
| Switching cause invalid (0)/ |
| ||
| valid (1) |
11 - 67 | 11 - 67 |