APPENDIX 1 Error Code Return to Origin During General Data Processing

The CPU module returns an error code to the general data processing request origin when an error occurs and there is a general data processing request form the

peripheral equipment, intelligent function module, or network system. If an error occurs App when a general data processing is requested from the peripheral devices, intelligent

function module, and network system.


This error code is not an error that is detected by the CPU module self-diagnosis function, so it is not stored in the special relay (SD0).

When the request origin is a GX Developer, a message or an error code is displayed.

When the request origin is an intelligent function module or network system, an error is returned to the process that was requested.

APPENDIX 1.1 Error code overall explanation

These error codes differs depending on the error No. of the location the error was detected. The following table shows the relationship between the error detection location and the error code.

Error detection location

Error Code

Error description reference destination




CPU module

4000H to 4FFFH

Refer to Appendix 1.2.

Intelligent function

7000H to 7FFFH

User's manuals of intelligent function module




Network system

F000H to FFFFH

Q Corresponding MELSECNET/H Network System

Reference Manual

App - 1

App - 1