4.4.3 Operating procedure of the ROM operation function

The outline procedure of ROM operation function is shown below.

1)Turn on or reset the power supply of Multiple CPU system in the "Mode operated by RAM".

2)Create the system setting, programs and parameters using the MT Developer, and execute a trial run and adjustment.

3)Write the system setting, programs and parameters of SRAM built-in Motion CPU module to the FLASH ROM built-in Motion CPU module by the ROM writing request using the MT Developer.

4)By starting the Motion CPU in the "Mode operated by ROM", a normal operation starts after the system setting, programs and parameters written in the FLASH ROM built-in Motion CPU module are read to the SRAM built-in Motion CPU module.

(1) ROM operation procedure

The ROM operation procedure is shown below.

Preparation for ROM operation

Set the "Mode operated by RAM" by setting the rotary switch 1 (SW1) and 2 (SW2) to "0".

Turn ON the power supply of Multiple CPU system.

Create or correct the system setting, parameters and programs using the MT Developer, and write them to the Motion CPU module.

Execute the trial run and adjustment.

Is the operation normal ?



Mode operated by RAM (ROM writing)

Execute the "ROM writing" of the programs and parameters in a lump using the MT Developer.

Turn OFF the power supply of Multiple CPU system.

Set the "Mode operated by ROM" by setting the rotary switch 1 (SW1) to "0" and rotary switch 2 (SW2) to "6".

Turn ON the power supply of Multiple CPU system.

Mode operated



ROM operation start

by ROM






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