Pulse-Width Modulator for Motor Control (PWMMC)
Output Control
MC68HC908MR16/MC68HC908MR32 — Rev. 4.0 Advance Information
MOTOROLA Pulse-Width Modulator for Motor Control (PWMMC) 147
9.5.2 PWM Data Overflow and Underflow Conditions
The PWM value registers are 16-bit registers. Although the counter is
only 12 bits, the user may write a 16-bit signed value to a PWM value
register. As shown in Figure 9-3 and Figure 9-4, if the PWM value is
less than or equal to zero, the PWM will be inactive for the entire period.
Conversely, if the PWM value is greater than or equal to the timer
modulus, the PWM will be active for the entire period. Refer to Table 9-3.
NOTE: The terms “active” and “inactive” refer to the asserted and negated
states of the PWM signals and should not be confused with the
high-impedance state of the PWM pins.
9.6 Output ControlThis subsection discusses output control.
9.6.1 Selecting Six Independent PWMs or Three Complementary PWM Pairs
The PWM outputs can be configured as six independent PWM channels
or three complementary channel pairs. The option INDEP determines
which mode is used (see 5.3 Functional Description). If
complementary operation is chosen, the PWM pins are paired as show n
in Figure 9-11. Operation of one pair is then determined by one PWM
value register. This type of operation is meant for use in motor drive
circuits such as the one in Figure 9-12.
Table 9-3. PWM Data Overflow and Underflow Conditions
PWMVALxH:PWMVALxL Condition PWM Value Used
$0000–$0FFF Normal Per register contents
$1000–$7FFF Overflow $FFF
$8000–$FFFF Underflow $000