Advance Information MC68HC908MR16/MC68HC908MR32 — Rev. 4.0
232 Timer Interface B (TIMB) MOTOROLA
Timer Interface B (TIMB)
12.4.4 Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM)
By using the toggle-on-overflow feature with a n output compare channel,
the TIMB can generate a PWM signal. The value in the TIMB counter
modulo registers determines the period of the PWM signal. The channel
pin toggles when the counter reaches the value in the TIMB counter
modulo registers. The time between overflow s is the period o f the PW M
As Figure 12-3 shows, the output compare value in the TIMB channel
registers determines the pulse width of the PWM signal. The time
between overflow and output compare is the pulse width. Program the
TIMB to clear the channel pin on output compare if the state of the PWM
pulse is logic 1. Program the TIMB to set the pin if the state of the PW M
pulse is logic 0.
Figure 12-3. PWM Period and Pulse Width
The value in the TIMB counter modulo registers and the selected
prescaler output determines the frequency of the PWM output. The
frequency of an 8-bit PWM signal is variable in 25 6 i n crements. Writing
$00FF (255) to the TIMB counter modulo registers produces a PWM
period of 256 times the internal bus clock period if the prescaler select
value is $000 (see 12.8.1 TIMB Status and Control Register).
The value in the TIMB channel registers determines the pulse width of
the PWM output. The pulse width of an 8-bit PWM si gnal is variable in
256 increments. Writing $0080 (128) to the TIMB channel registers
produces a duty cycle of 128/256 or 50 percent.