Advance Information MC68HC908MR16/MC68HC908MR32 — Rev. 4.0
36 General Description MOTOROLA
General Description
any internal reset source is asserted. See Section 7. System
Integration Module (SIM).
1.5.4 External Interrupt Pin (IRQ)
IRQ is an asynchronous external interrupt pin. See Section 17. External
Interrupt (IRQ).
1.5.5 CGM Power Supply Pins (VDDA and VSSA)
VDDA and VSSA are the power supply pins for the analog portion of the
clock generator module (CGM). Decoupling of these pi ns should be pe r
the digital supply. See Section 8. Clock Generator Module (CGM).
1.5.6 External Filter Capacitor Pin (CGMXFC)
CGMXFC is an external filter capacitor connection for the CGM. See
Section 8. Clock Generator Module (CGM).
1.5.7 Analog Power Supply Pins (VDDA and VSSA)
VDDAD and VSSA are the power supply pins for the analog-to-dig i tal
converter. Decoupling of these pins should be per th e digital supply. See
Section 19. Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC).
1.5.8 ADC Voltage Decoupling Capacitor Pin (VREFH)
VREFH is the power supply for setting the reference voltage. Connect the
VREFH pin to the same voltage potential as VDDAD. See Section 19.
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC).
1.5.9 ADC Voltage Reference Low Pin (VREFL)
VREFL is the lower reference supply for the ADC. Connect the VREFL pin
to the same voltage potential as VSSAD. See Section 19.
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC).