Advance Information MC68HC908MR16/MC68HC908MR32 — Rev. 4.0
238 Timer Interface B (TIMB) MOTOROLA
Timer Interface B (TIMB)
12.8.1 TIMB Status and Control Register
The TIMB status and control register:
Enables TIMB overflow interrupts
Flags TIMB overflows
Stops the TIMB counter
Resets the TIMB counter
Prescales the TIMB counter clock
TOF — TIMB Overflow Flag
This read/write flag is set when the TIMB counter resets to $0000 after
reaching the modulo value programmed i n the TI MB cou nte r mo dulo
registers. Clear TOF by reading the TIMB status and contro l r eg i ster
when TOF is set and then writing a logic 0 to TOF. If another TIMB
overflow occurs before the clearing sequence is complete, then
writing logic 0 to TOF has no effect. Therefore, a TOF interrupt
request cannot be lost due to inadvertent clearing of TOF. Reset
clears the TOF bit. Writing a logic 1 to TOF has no effect.
1 = TIMB counter has reached modulo value.
0 = TIMB counter has not reached modulo value.
TOIE — TIMB Overflow Interrupt Enable Bit
This read/write bit enables TIMB overflow interrupts when the TOF bit
becomes set. Reset clears the TOIE bit.
1 = TIMB overflow interrupts enabled
0 = TIMB overflow interrupts disabled
Address: $0051
Bit 7654321Bit 0
Write: 0 TRST R
R= Reserved
Figure 12-4. TIMB Status and Control Register (TBSC)