Advance Information MC68HC908MR16/MC68HC908MR32 — Rev. 4.0
246 Timer Interface B (TIMB) MOTOROLA
Timer Interface B (TIMB)
In input capture mode (MSxB–MSxA = 0:0), reading the hi gh byte of the
TIMB channel x registers (TBCHxH) inhibits input captur es un til the l ow
byte (TBCHxL) is read.
In output compare mode (MSxB–MSxA 0:0), writing to the high byt e of
the TIMB channel x registers (TBCHxH) inhibits output compares until
the low byte (TBCHxL) is written.
Register Name and Address: TBCH0H — $0057
Bit 7654321Bit 0
Read: Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8
Reset: Indeterminate after reset
Register Name and Address: TBCH0L — $0058
Bit 7654321Bit 0
Read: Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Reset: Indeterminate after reset
Register Name and Address: TBCH1H — $005A
Bit 7654321Bit 0
Read: Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8
Reset: Indeterminate after reset
Register Name and Address: TBCH1L — $005B
Bit 7654321Bit 0
Read: Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Reset: Indeterminate after reset
Figure 12-9. TIMB Channel Registers