Timer Interface B (TIMB)
I/O Registers
MC68HC908MR16/MC68HC908MR32 — Rev. 4.0 Advance Information
MOTOROLA Timer Interface B (TIMB) 237
12.7.1 TIMB Clock Pin (PTE4/ATD12)
PTE4/ATD12 is an external clock input that can be the clock source for
the TIMB counter instead of the prescaled internal bus clock. Select the
PTE4/ATD12 input by writing logic 1s to the three prescaler select bits,
PS[2:0]. See 12.8.1 TIMB Status and Control Register. The minimum
TCLK pulse width, TCLKLMIN or TCLKHMIN, is:
The maximum TCLK frequency is the least: 4 MHz or bu s frequency ÷ 2.
PTE4/ATD12 is available as a general-purpose I/O pin or ADC chan nel
when not used as the TIMB clock input. When the PTE4/ATD12 pin is
the TIMB clock input, it is an input regardless of the state of the DDRE0
bit in data direction register E.
12.7.2 TIMB Channel I/O Pins (PTE1/TCH0B–PTE2/TCH1B)
Each channel I/O pin is programmable independently as an input
capture pin or an output compare pin. P TE1/TCH0B and PTE2/TCH1B
can be configured as buffered output compare or buffered PWM pins.
12.8 I/O Registers
These input/output (I/O) registers control and monitor TIMB operat io n:
TIMB status and control register (TBSC)
TIMB control registers (TBCNTH–TBCNTL)
TIMB counter modulo registers (TBMODH–TBMODL)
TIMB channel status and control registers (TBSC0 and TBSC1)
TIMB channel registers (TBCH0H–TBCH0L and
bus frequency
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