Advance Information MC68HC908MR16/MC68HC908MR32 — Rev. 4.0
376 Electrical Specifications MOTOROLA
Electrical Specifications
22.10 TImer Interface Module Characteristics22.11 Clock Generation Module Component Specifications22.12 CGM Operating Conditions
Characteristic Symbol Min Max Unit
Input capture pulse width tTIH, tTIL 125 — ns
Input clock pulse width tTCH, tTCL (1/fOP) + 5 —ns
Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Notes
Crystal load capacitance CL——Consult crystal
manufacturing data
Crystal fixed capacitance C12 * CLConsult crystal
manufacturing data
Crystal tuning capacitance C22 * CLConsult crystal
manufacturing data
Feedback bias resistor RB—22 M
Series resistor RS0 330 k1 MNot required
Filter capacitor CFCFACT*
Bypass capacitor CBYP —0.1 µF—
CBYP must provide low ac
impedance from
f = fXCLK/100 to 100*fVCLK,
so series resistance must
be considered
Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit
Crystal reference frequency fXCLK 1—8MHz
Range nominal multiplier fNOM —4.9152— MHz
VCO center-of-range frequency fVRS 4.9152 — 32.8 MHz
VCO frequency multiplier N 1 15
VCO center of range multiplier L 1 15
VCO operating frequency fVCLK fVRSMIN fVRSMAX