Clock Generator Module (CGM)
Functional Description
MC68HC908MR16/MC68HC908MR32 — Rev. 4.0 Advance Information
MOTOROLA Clock Generator Module (CGM) 111
8.4 Functional DescriptionThe CGM consists of three major submodules:
1. Crystal oscillator circuit — The crystal oscillator circuit generates
the constant crystal frequency clock, CGMXCLK.
2. Phase-locked loop (PLL) — The PLL generates the
programmable VCO frequency clock, CGMVCLK.
3. Base clock selector circuit — This software-controlled circuit
selects either CGMXCLK divided by two or the VCO clock,
CGMVCLK, divided by two as the base clock, CGMOUT. The SIM
derives the system clocks from CGMOUT.
Figure 8-1 shows the structure of the CGM.
8.4.1 Crystal Oscillator Circuit
The crystal oscillator circuit consists of an inverting amplifier and an
external crystal. The OSC1 pin is the input to the amplifier and the OSC2
pin is the output. The SIMOSCEN signal from the system integration
module (SIM) enables the crystal oscillator circuit.
The CGMXCLK signal is the output of the crystal oscillator circuit and
runs at a rate equal to the crystal frequen cy. CGMXCLK is then buffered
to produce CGMRCLK, the PLL reference clock.
CGMXCLK can be used by other modules which require pr eci se ti m ing
for operation. The duty cycle of CGMXCLK is not guaranteed to be
50 percent and depends on external factors, including the crystal and
related external components.
An externally generated clock also can feed the OSC1 pin of the crystal
oscillator circuit. Connect the external clock to the OSC1 pin and let the
OSC2 pin float.