DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3 191
• enable
Figure 42 shows an example of the Ethernet communication in command mode. The xyz and
enable commands can be seen near the top. The other commands that follow are shown in the
next section. Refer back to Figure 42, as you follow the next section’s instructions, to see if you
get the expected results. If not, return to the “Reset Ethernet” section on Page 190 and try again.
Figure 42: Command Mode Example
char *acCmds[] =
{ // expect:
"xyz", // >
"enable\r", // (enable)#
"configure\r", // (config)#
"if 1\r", // (if-1)#
"ip address I N", // (if-1)#
"no dhcp\r", // (if-1)#
"speed auto\r", // (if-1)#
"write\r", // (if-1)#
"exit\r", // (config)#
"exit\r", // (enable)#
"line 1\r", // (line-1)#
"databits 8\r", // (line-1)#
"flowcontrol hardware\r", // (line-1)#
"speed 115200\r", // (line-1)#
"write\r", // (line-1)#
"exit\r", // (enable)#
"reload\r", // Are you sure (yes/no)?
"yes\r", // Rebooting...
At this point you must
change the baud rate to
115200 for hyperterminal
on COM3 and COM1
I : IP Address
N: Network Mask