Chapter 7 Menu Operations — Menu list






Description of settings




Sets the system number of lines and frequency, recording format, and audio

ffThe setting values are saved together with the



quantizing bit quantity. When the number of lines and frequency are selected,

settings of [REC FORMAT] and [AUDIO SMPL



only the items that can be selected for those frequencies are displayed. If the

RES] on each setting of [LINE&FREQ]. When



frequency is changed, the device must be restarted. If a restart is required, a

the settings of [LINE&FREQ] are restored to the



confirmation dialog will be shown.

previous settings, these items are reset to the




Selects the number of lines 1080P and system frequency

previous settings at the time.









59.94 Hz.







Selects the number of lines 1080P and system frequency







50 Hz.







Selects the number of lines 1080i and system frequency







59.94 Hz.







Selects the number of lines 1080i and system frequency 50 Hz.







Selects the number of lines 480i and system frequency







59.94 Hz.







Selects the number of lines 576i and system frequency 50 Hz.






Select the recording codec.

ff[AVC‑G50] and [AVC‑G25] cannot be selected in




Selects AVC‑Intra 100.

the following cases.



- When the main menu [REC/PB] [REC




Selects AVC‑Intra 50.



FUNCTION] [RECORDING] is set to other




Selects AVC‑LongG 50.



than [NORMAL]




Selects AVC‑LongG 25.







Selects DVCPRO HD (100 Mbps).







Selects DVCPRO50 (50 Mbps).







Selects DVCPRO (25 Mbps).







Selects DV (25 Mbps).






If the recording format is AVC‑Intra 100/AVC‑Intra 50, selects number of the audio

ffWhen the recording format is AVC‑LongG 50



recording quantizing bits.

or AVC‑LongG 25, select [24BIT]. When the





recording format is DVCPRO HD, DVCPRO50,





DVCPRO, or DV, select [16BIT].





ffClips recorded at 24-bit should be played back





using a 24-bit compatible P2 device or P2 Viewer





Plus. The clip numbers of P2 devices that are





not 24-bit compatible are displayed in red and




16-bit is the audio recording bit quantity.



cannot be used for playback. Audio does not play





back correctly on a P2 Viewer that is not 24-bit





compatible. Always use the latest P2 Viewer Plus









24-bit is the audio recording bit quantity.

ffFor 24-bit compatible P2 devices and the latest





P2 Viewer Plus information, visit the P2 support





page on the following website.




Switches the video input signal.

ffOnce the power is turned off, it is always set to




Record signal from the camera

[CAM] the next time power is turned on.









Record input from the <SDI IN> terminal






Selects the aspect ratio to record. (Only in SD)







Recorded using the 16:9 aspect ratio.







Recorded using the 4:3 aspect ratio.






Sets whether to use function to correct video when using an anamorphic lens or






film lens.








Corrects video. Inverts the top, bottom, left and right sides of a














Does not correct video.










are factory settings.





















Description of settings




Switches the setup.







Setup 7.5% is on.







Setup 7.5% is off.






Selects whether to set the time code of window display or display the count when






the power is off.








Sets and displays time code even when the power is off.







Settings and display on the display window are not available







while the power is off.










are factory settings.

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