RIO Remote I/O System User Guide
Installing RIO under Windows NT
Page 105
Chapter 2 Installing hardware and software
Displaying a port configuration summaryRIO allows you to display a summary of configuration s ettings for each port. To do this
proceed as follows;
1. In the windows d esktop, display the Perle program group window.
2. In the Perle pro gram group window, double click on the RIO icon.
The Rio Configuration window is now displayed.
3. In the Rio Config uration menu, click on Windows > Summary.
The Summary window is now displayed.
4. In the Summary wi ndow, single click on a port in the RIO defined Ports list.
A configuration summary for the selected port is no w displayed in the Summary window.
5. Repeat step 4. un til you have viewed all the configuration summaries you require then
click on the Close button to close the window.