RIO Remote I/O System User Guide
Installing RIO under Windows NT
Page 96
Chapter 2 Installing hardware and software
6. In the ISA Card Se tup tabbed window, click on the Apply button to save changes and
close the window.
The RIO driver will check that the memory address and interrupt th at you have selected
are not already being used. If either resource is being used, y ou will be asked to reselect.
7. In the RIO Configur ation window menu, click on File > Exit to exit the utility.
The Reboot Windows NT window is now displayed as shown in the next picture.
Parameter Action required
Host name Change the default host name to what ever you wish
Select an IRQ Select an IRQ value, or better, choose ‘Poll’ or ‘Auto’.
The default is polled mode, which is an alternative to IRQ lev el setting and
is useful when the range of available interrupts is restricted. If you choose
Poll, the driver will poll the card regularly for data. When installing more
than one card, set the IRQ value to Poll for all the cards.
The Auto interrupt option is an alternative to IRQ level setting and will
assign the first available interrupt. If you have reserved in the BIOS an IRQ
specifically for ISA cards, you need to select the IRQ number from the list
since the Auto option will not automatically use that reserved IRQ.
SW1 and SW2 To change the address of an ISA card fitted with rotary switches, click (or
use tab to highlight) the buttons marked SW1 and then SW2. Then use the
space bar to increment the address, watching the message output in the
bottom left of the dialogue box.
To change the address of an ISA card fitted with a DIL switch, click the
switches of the 10-way DIL switch displayed in the dialogue box.
Make a note of the settings; you will need to set them on the card itself.