Page 6
Revision historyDate Part number Description
January 1999 5500036-10 First issue of new RIO user manual for the Solaris operating system.
January 2000 5500036-11 Update of manual to include the Windows 2000 and Linux operating systems.
March 2000 5500036-12 Update of manual to include the Windows NT operating system.
March 2000 5500036-13 Update of manual to include the SCO OpenServer 5 operating system.
April 2000 5500036-14 Update of manual to include the SCO UnixWare operating system.
November 2001 5500036-15 Update of manual for rebranding.
October 2002 5500036-16 Update of manual to include 3.3V/5V universal PCI card.
September 2008 5500036-17 Update of manual installation instructions for Microsoft Server 2003/XP/Vista/
Server 2008 and OpenServer 6.