RIO Remote I/O System User Guide
RIO system commands under Solaris/Linux/LynxOS
Page 248
Chapter 5 RIO command line utilities
RIO system commands under Solaris/Linux/LynxOSThe following RIO system commands allow you to perform man agement functions with the
RIO network. The commands use the settings stored within the ASCII file (which is user
editable).The commands are summarised in the next table.
For details of the format of the file, see About the file on page 260.
Operating systems Command For details see...
rioreboot rioreboot on page 249.
rioversion rioversion on page 250.
rioboot rioboot on page 251.
rioadopt rioadopt on page 252.
riodelete riodelete on page 253.
rioidentify rioidentify on page 254.
riomkdev riomkdev on page 256.
rioshow rioshow on page 258.
riolock riolock on page 255.
rioresume rioresume on page 255
riostats riostats on page 259