RIO Remote I/O System User Guide
Installing RIO under Linux
Page 147
Chapter 2 Installing hardware and software
Installing utilitiesThe utilities file is named: specialix_riotools-<maj ver>-<min ver>.i386.rpm
For example; specialix_riotools-4-1.i386.rpm
To install the utilities proceed as follows:
1. Copy this file to a temporary directory and install the utilities using the following
rpm -i specialix_riotools-4-1.i386.rpm
The utilities are now installed in the /usr/sbin directory on your machine.
The RIO configuration files are in the /etc/rio directory. A sample RIO configurati on
file (rio.cf.sample) is installed in this directory for you to use as a template.
For details about the rio.c f file, see Appendix B rio.cf administration file.
The files rta.bin and host.bin should not be touched. These files contain the device
firmware for the host card and the RTA and are loaded into the driver when the
rioboot command is run.