RIO Remote I/O System User Guide
Installing RIO under Solaris
Page 47
Chapter 2 Installing hardware and software
6. In the Modify S erial Port window, display basic information only by clicking on the Basic
button in the Detail field.
7. In the Modify Ser ial Port window, click on the Templ ate selector and choose the type of
device you want to connect to the currently selected serial por t. For example, to attach a
terminal to the serial port, select Terminal-Hardwired.
8. In the Modify Serial P ort window, click in the Service Enable checkbox (displaying a tick)
to enable the currently selected serial port.
9. In the Modify Ser ial Port window, click on the Baud Rate selector and choose the Baud
rate you want. For example, 9600.
10.In the Termi nal Type field, enter the terminal type you want.
11.In the Modify Serial Port window, click on the OK
The currently selected serial port now has a terminal session enabled at the specified baud
rate, even parity, 7 data bits and 1 stop bit. The Serial Ports window is now updated to show
this as shown in the next picture.
For details of the parameters in this field click on the help button to invoke the Solaris
on-line help about this window.
The terminal type you enter must be a valid terminal type as defined by the termcap file.
See the Solaris user documentation or on-line help for further details.