RIO Remote I/O System User Guide
RIO cables available from Perle
Page 220
Chapter 3 RIO Cabling information
Link cable specificationRIO link cables should conform to the following specifi cation:
Item Specification
Size 7/0.2 minimum
Type Two individually screened twisted pair s with drain and overall screen,
sheathed over all in grey PVC (or PTFE). The screen is alum inised
polyester tape. The drain wire is tinned. For particularly noisy
environments and distances greater than 5 metres we recomme nd an
additional overall braid screen
Length 5.0 metres maximum
Noise The receiver does not require a differential input voltage more than 200mV to
correctly assume the binary state over an entire common-mode voltage r ange
of -7V to +7V. Thus, noise must not reach more than +/-7V.
Nominal Impedance 100 Ohms
Ground Potential The maximum voltage between either receiver input a nd receive ground
must not exceed 8V (80% - 3V signal + 7V common mode voltage) in
magnitude. Thus excessive differences in 0V between communication
devices (systems) are unacceptable. Typical causes are insufficient
mains earthing, heavily laden mains, or heavily lad en PC slots