RIO Remote I/O System User Guide
Installing RIO under Solaris
Page 36
Chapter 2 Installing hardware and software
General setup procedure for SolarisThe general procedure for installing RIO for the Solaris o perating system is as follows:
1. If required, ins tall any PCI host cards you require into your system. See Installing a
Universal 3.3/5V PCI host cardon page 156
2. Install the RIO Sola ris drivers and utilities onto your system using the procedures
described in Installing device drivers and utilities on page 39.
3. If required, u sing the rioisacfg utility, select and assign addresses for any additional ISA
host cards you want to install from the free addresses avail able. See Assigning ISA host
card addresses and IRQ levels on page 41.
4. If required, install any ISA host cards you require into your syst em. See Installing an ISA
host card on page 158
5. If you want to r emove any ISA host cards from your system,
a. at the command pr ompt, type:
/etc/rioisacfg [-d <name>] and press the Enter key
where <name> is the host card name (for example, ISA1) and d is the delete com-
b. Now physicall y remove any host cards you want from your system using the
procedures described in Removing host cards on page 160.
6. Install the links y ou require in your system using one of the procedures shown in the nex t
7. Install the Remo te Terminal Adaptors you require for your system. see Installing Remote
Terminal Adaptors (RTAs)on page 16 1.
8. If required, remov e any Remote Terminal Adaptors you want from your system. See
Removing a Remote Terminal Adaptor (RTA) on page 173.
9. Set up any termi nals attached to your system using Admintool. See Setting up terminals
using Admintool on page 44.
10.If required remove any terminals from your system using Admintool. See Removing RIO
serial port terminalson page 49.
Link type For procedure see...
Short distance Installing a short dis tance link on page 174
Medium distance Installing a Fibre Optic Link Kit (FOLK) on page 175
Long distance Installing a Long Distance Module (LDM) on page 177
Fault tolerant Installing a fault tolerant linkon page 189
Dual host fail-safe Installing a dual host fail-safe link (UNIX only)on page 190