RIO Remote I/O System User Guide
Installing a Long Distance Module (LDM)
Page 180
Chapter 2 Installing hardware and software
Installing a long distance LDM link via Modem and leased lineTo install a long distance LDM link via modem and leased line proceed as follows;
1. Follow the proced ure given in given in Installation on page 179.
2. Connect the modem which you use for the host card site to a PC and configure as follows;
a. Set the autodia l number you want using the AT command set. See modem user
documentation for details.
b. Configure the mod em as shown in the next table;
c. Save the settings you have chosen.
d. Turn off the power to the modem and r emove the power and PC connections.
3. Connect the mo dem which you use for the remote site to a PC and set the modem to auto
answer mode. See modem user documentation for details.
4. Configure the gene ral modem settings to the same values as the host cards site modem
as step 2., sub step b. previously.
5. Save the setting s you have chosen.
6. Turn off the power to the modem an d remove the power and PC connections.
The modem you use for this type of installation should have an autodial facili ty. That
is the ability to pre-configure the unit to dial a specified number upon powering u p.
Mode Parameter Setting
Synchronous Minimum speed 14.4 Kbit/s
Maximum speed 64Kbit/s
Port setting 8 data bits
Flow control Disabled
Command echo Disabled
Display of result codes Suppressed
Asynchronous Specification V32bis minimum
Minimum speed Modems must connect at a
minimum of 9600 baud
Port settings 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no
Hardware flow control Enabled
Command echo Disabled
Display of result codes Suppressed