RIO Remote I/O System User Guide
rio.cf file
Page 260
Chapter 5 RIO command line utilities
rio.cf fileThis section describes the rio.cf file and includes th e following;
•About the rio.cf file on page 260
•rio.cf keywords on page 262
About the rio.cf file
The rio.cf file is an administration file containing configuratio n information for the RIO
devices and drivers and is stored under /etc/rio/rio.cf. The rio.cf file is used by RIO utilities
to obtain or specify information about the RIO system.
The file information is structured as shown in the exampl e, each line begins with a keyword:
HOST, RTA or PORT. O ne further keyword: DEFPORT is used to define default settings for
all undefined ports. These keywords are then followed by var ious configuration fields
separated by ":" If a field is left blank, then the default value for that field is used. Lines
beginning with "#" are treated as comment lines.
See rio.cf keywords on page 262 for more details about each key word.
A typical example of a rio.cf file is shown in the next pic ture.