RIO Remote I/O System User Guide
Sample transparent printing "rio.cf" port entry
Page 272
Sample transparent printing "rio.cf" port entry A typical port entry in the rio.cf file defining transparent print settings (for a wyse 60 termina l)
is as follows:
If the terminal device name is /dev/term/r006, then the trans parent print device
name is /dev/xprt/r006. This is generated automatically by the Solaris operating
A ^ character is used to escape the next character, that is
^[ is escape = 0x1B.
^T defines the transparent-
print-off sequence use to suffix
transparent print data sent to a
wyse 60 terminal.
Terminal name.
^[d# defines the transparent-print-on
sequence use to prefix transparent
print data sent to a wyse 60 terminal.
100 defines the characters-per-
second rate at which transparent print
data is sent through the terminal.