RIO Remote I/O System User Guide
Installing RIO under Windows NT
Page 95
Chapter 2 Installing hardware and software
Configuring ISA host cardsTo configure an ISA host card prior to actual installation proceed as follows;
1. In the Windows des ktop, display the Perle program group window.
2. In the Perle pro gram group window, double click on the RIO icon.
The RIO Configuration window is now displayed showing a blank map on the RIO
Configuration screen.
3. In the RIO Configur ation menu, click on Commands > Add ISA host card.
The ISA Card Setup tabbed window now appears.
4. In the ISA Card Se tup tabbed window, click on the Rotary Switches tab to display the
Rotary Switches page.
5. In the Rotary Switches page set the host card parameters detailed in the next table (if
the defaults are insufficient):