Appendix A • Control Panel Menus
5. Communications Transmitting data from the computer to the DA500/ DA550 is by way of the parallel interface or the serial
interface. The printer automatically senses the interface through which data is being sent. When the computer uses the DA500/DA550’s parallel interface no commu- nication settings are required.
When the serial interface is used, the DA500/DA550 Communications menu settings must be configured to match the computer settings. Configure the computer to use either the XON/XOFF or DTR handshaking settings to communicate with the DA500/DA550. Use the following sub menus to change the DA500/DA550 serial communications:
A. Baud Rate
B Parity
C. Word Length
D. Line Termination.
NOTE: To verify that the computer and the DA500/ DA550 are communicating, with the printer
A. Baud Rate
The Baud Rate choices are (1200), (2400), (4800), (9600) and (19200).
B. Parity
Parity determines the integrity of data that is sent. The choices are (ODD), (EVEN) AND (NONE).
Pitney Bowes DA500/DA550 Operator Guide |