•Chapter 13
•Chapter 14
•Chapter 15
•Chapter 16
•Appendix A
Read through each procedure before you begin.
Conventions Used in This Manual
The text in this manual uses these conventions:
•Bold type highlights important concepts in discussions, key terms in procedures, and menu options.
•Rectangular boxes containing bold type are warnings or cautions that pertain to the UPS system or its electrical connections. This important information alerts you to possible dangers pertaining to personnel safety, UPS or equipment damage, critical load protection, or operational concerns.
•Italic type highlights notes and new terms where they are defined.
In this manual, the term UPS or UPS system refers to the UPS cabinet and its internal elements and the environmental cabinet. The rectifier and inverter are internal UPS components that are together referred to as the power processing unit (PPU) of the UPS.
4 | Powerware BPIII Harsh Environment UPS |
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