Printer Status
Disabled - Printer status ignored.
When enabled, the printer responds to an ENQ signal by sending a status
byte to the host. The type of status byte is determined by a Front Panel menu
selection. The selections allowed are ENQ and ENQ/STX. The ENQ is
removed from the data stream. The menu selection for enabling the ENQ
option may only be seen when using a feature file.
The ENQ/STX status byte is shown below:
Bit Printer Status
0Set when the label has printed
1Set when the label is presented
2Set while printer is online.
3Always set.
4Set printing in the batch mode.
5Set during a ribbon fault.
6Set during a paper out fault.
7Always set.
Bit Printer Status
0Set when the printer is not online or the buffer is full.
1Set when the printer is offline.
2Clear during a paper out fault.
3Always set.
4Always set.
5Set during a buffer overflow fault.
6Set during a parity or framing error fault.
7Always clear.