Functions Available over a Network

Network Delivery Scanner

You can use the machine as a delivery scanner for the ScanRouter delivery software.

Scan file or document received by fax can be stored in the delivery server, or delivered via the network to specified folders on client computers.


For details about what settings to make, see p.14 “Setting Up the Machine on a Network”.

For details about using this func- tion, see "Delivering Scan Files", Scanner Reference.

Network TWAIN Scanner

You can use the scanning function of this machine from a computer connected via a network (Ethernet, IEEE 1394(IP over 1394), or IEEE 802.11b (wireless LAN)).

You can scan documents the same way you would if you were using a scanner connected directly to your computer.


For details about what settings to make, see p.14 “Setting Up the Machine on a Network”.

For details about using this func- tion, see "Using the Network TWAIN Scanner Function", Scanner Reference.

Document Server

You can store copy, fax, printer, and scanner documents on the hard disk.

Using DeskTopBinder Lite or a Web 1 browser, you can browse, print, de-

lete, or copy these documents over a network.


For details about what settings to make, see p.14 “Setting Up the Machine on a Network”.

For more information about Document Server operation from the printer, see "Using the Document Server", Printer Reference.

For more information about Document Server operation from the facsimile, see "Using the Document Server", Facsimile Reference <Advanced Features>.

For more information about Document Server operation from the scanner, see "Using the Document Server", Scanner Reference.

For all information about Document Server operation, see "Using the Document Server", General Settings Guide.

For more information about Desk- TopBinder Lite, see the manuals for DeskTopBinder Lite.