A confirmation message appears.

Monitoring and Configuring the Printer

Resetting the number of pages printed to 0.

Follow the procedure below to reset the number of pages printed under each user code to 0.

A Start SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin User Information Management Tool.

B Click the [User Page Count] tab of User Management Tool.

C Click the user whose information you want to reset.4D On the [Edit] menu, click [Reset User Counters].E Select the check box of the items you want to reset, and then click [OK].

A confirmation message appears.

F Click [Yes].
Restricting Functions

Follow the procedure below to restrict use of individual functions.

A Start SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin User Information Management Tool.

B On the [Edit] menu of User Management Tool, click [Restrict Access To Device].

C Select the check box of the functions you want to restrict.

D Click [OK].

E Click [Yes].

The settings are applied.

The number of pages printed is reset to 0.

G On the [Edit] menu, click [Apply Settings].

Changes are applied to information on the [User Page Count] tab.

H Click [Finish] on the [File] menu to quit User Management Tool.