Connecting and Setting Up



WINS Configuration

You can specify the WINS server settings.


If [On] is selected, enter the [VWINS Server] IP address as “”(“x” indi- cates a number).

If DHCP is in use, specify the

[Scope ID].

Primary WINS Server

Secondary WINS Server

Scope ID



Enter a [Scope ID] using up to 31 alphanumeric characters.


Default: Off

Effective Protocol

Select the protocol to use in the network.

• TCP/IP:Effective/Invalid

• NetWare:Effective/Invalid

• SMB:Effective/Invalid

• AppleTalk:Effective/Invalid


Default: TCP/IP: Effective, Net-

Ware: Effective, SMB: Effective,

AppleTalk: Effective

NW Frame Type

Select the frame type when you use NetWare.

• Auto Select

• Ethernet II

• Ethernet 802.2

• Ethernet 802.3

• Ethernet SNAP


Default: Auto Select

SMB Computer Name

Specify the SMB computer name.

SMB Work Group

Specify the SMB work group.

Ethernet Speed

Set the access speed for networks. Select a speed that matches your network environment. [Auto Select] should usually be selected.

Auto Select

100Mbps Full Duplex

100Mbps Half Duplex

10Mbps Full Duplex

10Mbps Half Duplex


Default: Auto Select

LAN Type

When you have installed the op- tional IEEE 802.11b interface unit, select interface, IEEE 802.11b (wireless LAN) or Ethernet.

• Ethernet

• IEEE 802.11b


Default: Ethernet

Appears when the optional IEEE 802.11b interface unit is installed.

If Ethernet and IEEE 802.11b (wire- less LAN) are both connected to the machine, the selected interface takes precedence.