6. Appendix

When Using Windows Terminal


The following explains how to use Windows Terminal Service and Maintenance.

Operating Environment

The following operating systems and MetaFrame versions are supported.


The following limitations apply to the Windows Terminal Service environ- ment.

These limitations are built in Windows Terminal Service or Meta- Frame.

Windows NT Server 4.0 Terminal Server Edition

MetaFrame 1.8 SP3/FR1 SP3/SP4

MetaFrame XP 1.0 SP1/SP2/FR1

Windows 2000 Server/Advanced Server

MetaFrame 1.8 SP3/FR1 SP3/SP4

MetaFrame XP 1.0 SP1/SP2/FR1/ FR2

Supported Printer Drivers

When Windows Terminal Service is operating

PCL drivers

PostScript 3


The RPCS printer driver is not sup- ported.

Some RPCS printer driver func- tions do not work if Windows Ter- minal Service is installed.

Windows Terminal Service

In the Windows Terminal Service environment, some of the printer driver’s functions is unavailable. In an environment where Win- dows Terminal Service is installed, some of the printer driver’s func- tions is unavailable, even if any function of Windows Terminal Service is not used. When you in- stall SmartDeviceMonitor for Cli- ent in an environment where the Terminal Service is running on a Windows NT Server 4.0 Terminal Server Edition or the Windows 2000 Server family computer, be sure to install it using the install mode. The following are the two methods of installation using the install mode:

A Use [Add/Remove Programs] in

[Control Panel] to install Smart- DeviceMonitor for Client.

B Enter the following command in t he MS - DOS co mm and prompt:

To quit the install mode, enter the following command in the MS- DOS command prompt.