Using NetWare

E Enter the printer name in the [Device name:] box and a comment in the [Comment] box, and then click [Next].

F Select the [NetWare] check box, and then click [Next].

G Click [NDS mode], enter the file server name in the [File Server Name:] box, the NDS tree name in the [NDS Tree] box, and the context in the [NDS Context:] box, and then click [Next].

In the [File Server Name:] box, enter the name of the file server in which a print server is created. You can also click [Browse...] to browse through available file servers and NDS context names.

In the [NDS Tree] box, enter the name of the NDS tree in which a print server is created using up to

32alphanumeric characters. Hy- phens and underscores can also be used. You can also click [Browse...] to browse through available NDS trees.

For a context, object names are entered from the lowest object with each object separated by a period. For example, if you want to create a print server in NET under DS, enter "NET.DS".

H Enter the print server name in the [Print Server Name:] box, the printer name in the [Printer Name:] box, the print queue name in the [Print Queue Name] box, and the print queue volume in the [Print Queue Volume] box, and then click [Next].

In the [Print Server Name:] box, enter the name of the NetWare print server using up to 47 char-


In the [Printer Name:] box, enter the name of the NetWare printer.

In [Print Queue Name] box, enter the print queue volume.

In [Print Queue Volume], type the print queue volume. For a vol- ume, object names are entered from the lowest object with each object separated by a period. You can also click [Browse...] to browse through available vol- umes.

I Check the settings, and then click [Next].

The settings are applied, and NIB Setup Tool quits.

J Turn the printer off and then on again.


To check that the configuration is made correctly, enter the fol- lowing from the command prompt.


If the printer works as config- ured, the name of the print serv- er appears as a connected user.