Monitoring and Configuring the Printer


H On the [System] page, enter the device name in the [Device name:] box and a comment in the [Comment] box, and click [Apply].

In the [Device name:] box, enter a device name on the machine us- ing up to 31 characters.

In the [Comment] box, enter a comment on the machine using up to 31 characters.

I Click [OK].J Quit Web Image Monitor.K Quit SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin.

Load Fax Journal

A Start SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin.

B On the [Group] menu, point to [Search Device], and then click [TCP/IP], [IPX/SPX] or [TCP/IP(SNMPv3)].

A list of machines using the selected protocol appears.


Select the protocol of the ma- chine whose configuration you want to change.

If you are using TCP/IP SNMP v3, enter the user authentication.

C Select a machine.

D On the [Tools] menu, click [LoadFax Journal].

A Web browser opens and the dialog box for entering the user name and password for the Web Image Monitor administrator appears.

For details about the user name and password, consult your network administrator.

E Check the Load Fax Journal area that appears in the Web Image Monitor.


For details, see Help in Load Fax Journal area.