Remote Maintenance by telnet


Use the “access” command to view and configure access control. You can also specify two or more access ranges.

View settings msh> accessConfiguration

msh> access range “start- address end-address”

represents a target number between 1 and 5. (Up to five ac- cess ranges can be registered

and selected.)

Example: to specify accessible IP addresses between and

msh> access 1 range


Use the “appletalk” command to view and configure Appletalk parameters.

View settings msh> appletalk

[2] means "active" and [0] means "inactive".

The default is [2].

Changing PAP timeout configuration
msh> appletalkptimeout



value > 0




Timeout value becomes effec- tive.

msh> appletalk ptimeout value = 0

Timeout value becomes ineffec- tive.

Access control initialization msh> access flush

Use the "flush" command to re- store the default settings so that all access rang es beco me "".


The access range restricts comput- ers from use of the machine by IP address. If you do not need to re- strict printing, make the setting "".

Valid ranges must be from lower (start address) to higher (end ad- dress).

Up to five access ranges can be specified. The entry is invalid if the target number is omitted.

You cannot access Web Image Mon- itor from a restricted IP address.