The machine’s location should be carefully chosen because environ- mental conditions can affect its performance.
Optimum Environmental Conditions
J Temperature: 10 – 30”C, 50- 86°F
a Humidity: | 20- 90?40RH |
rJ A strong and level base (a sturdy desk and cabinet etc.).
D The machine must be level within 5 mm, 13/64” both front to rear and left to right.
nMake sure to locate this machine in a large well ventilated room that has an air turnover of more than 30 m3/hr/person.
Environments To Avoid
Direct sunlight or strong light (more than 1500 Iux).
Locations directly exposed to cool air from an air conditioner or heated air from a heater. (Sudden temperature changes from low to high or vice versa may cause condensation within the machine.)
!J Dusty areas.
Access To The Machine
CJ Place the machine near a power source, providing clearance as shown.
Main Frame Morethan20cm,8.0$
More than